I am a dork.
Really, I am. I don't (really) drink or party, and frankly I get kind of insulted when people assume that I just haven't "tried" either enough or in the right contexts. I like Harry Potter and I've been known on occasion to read fanfiction. I like computers and video games, though I wouldn't consider myself an expert with either. I have terrible vision, asthma, I break out in hives around dogs/grass/extreme cold, the list goes on...
I play ultimate frisbee.
I'm not very good, but it's basically the only sport that I am willing to exert myself for. I've met some of my better friends through ultimate and it's just a great way to get some exercise and pretend that I'm athletic.
I'm majoring in Linguistics and Technical Communication.
Some of the things I can get really excited about (other than technology and HP) include language in any form and the opportunity to format random crap, both of which fit conveniently into my two majors. Unfortunately, I also happened to choose two majors that most people only have a passing familiarity with, if they've even heard of either. I'll break it down for you:
- Linguistics is the study of language at all levels. This includes the rules for how sentences (syntax), words (morphology), and sounds (phonology) can be organized within any given language, and things like language acquisition, or computational linguistics (the study of how computers understand and process language).
- Technical communication involves processing material of a technical nature (think topics in science or technology) and presenting it to a very specific audience in a way that meets their pre-determined needs and knowledge base. A lot of TC is based around technical writing, which is classically exemplified as writing manuals, proposals, memos, resumes, etc., while also incorporating a design element.
I don't offend easily.
I'm sure there are things that I do get offended by, I just can't think of them at the moment. Some people might call me "racist," "sexist," or "ignorant," but I prefer to think of myself as "a heartless bitch."
I don't like wearing pants.
I don't mean that in the sense that I'd rather wear some alternative (skirt, dress, etc.), I mean that at any given time, if I'm wearing pants, I'd rather not be. This preference has put me in several embarrassing/humorous situations that are best not described in detail here. If you want to know more, e-mail me and I swear I'll tell you - they're good stories, trust me.
I'm single.
Doesn't really sound like a big deal, but it kinda is for me. I've been in two long-term relationships, one right after the other, so that I haven't been actually single for about four years. Kinda terrifying actually, and I'm doing my best to figure out what's what right now, but it's not easy. Some of my ridiculous ways of trying to cope with the crippling loneliness include:
- Watching an exorbitant number of movies
- Eating my feelings, usually in the form of tortillas, granola bars, or Goldfish
- Being attracted to boys I really shouldn't be attracted to
- Shaving my legs as infrequently as possible (not entirely positive how this is related to me being single, I suspect it has more to do with me being lazy)
- Blogging
And that's about it, in a nutshell anyway. Although I didn't intend for this entry to read like a personal ad, it seems to have come out that way, so if you happen to know any takers, send 'em my way.