July 19, 2007

Birthdays and book launches

I've decided that I'm going to ask for a digital camera for my birthday from my folks. I'm getting kind of tired of depending on my friends to bring a camera/take pictures, especially considering how long it takes everyone to eventually get their pictures up and shared. The only person I know who keeps a quick digital picture turnaround time is Alan, who seems to be the only one who loves taking/sharing pictures just as much as I do.

Tomorrow is the big launch for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, and amidst the media hype and scandalous leaks, I am sorry to say that my personal enthusiasm level plateaued a long time ago and I've never quite regained the same passion I once felt for the franchise. I think it may be a combination of not being surrounded by my fellow HP-crazed friends anymore on top of a bad case of the summertime blues.

Depressingly, my horoscope for today is as follows:
There is a lot of flirtatious energy around you -- romance is definitely favored.