This summer I've done a lot of shopping and have tried on dozens of hats of all different shapes and sizes. Sometimes I try them on for a laugh (like this one from a costume shop on the right), but mostly I try them on because I appreciate my own natural ability to wear hats.
What makes a hat person?
I've thought a lot about this matter because as fashion goes, I understand why there are certain items that I can pull off and others that I can't. For instance, I'm short. Yes, it's funny, I can sleep under the couch, hardy har. But beyond that, I know I can't pull off those short little half-sweaters that are so popular (aside from the fact that I think they're already ugly anyway). Anyway, the point is, there doesn't seem to be any defined characteristics of someone who pull-off hats, so what makes me so special?
A quick search on Google gives us a brief essay by a hat designer and her thoughts on the matter. She essentially argues that hats, as a fashion piece, can be worn by anyone, and it's really more of a psychological barrier that keeps people from reaching their inner hat person.
This seems like a load of bullshit to me. Some people look good in hats (I am one of them) and some don't. It has little to do with one's want to wear hats - even though I can wear them, I rarely do.
So unless you know someone who's undergone a psychological transformation that has manifested itself in their ability to wear hats, I have no choice but to believe that hat wearing is just another one of my God-given abilities, granted to the few, the proud, the Marines. Well, not the Marines, but the few and the proud, certainly.