September 9, 2007

Fucking papasan

Tonight I went over to a friend's house to watch the MTV Video Music Awards. Since they've just moved in they are missing a few crucial items yet - a couch, for instance. Being the guest, I was allowed the honor of the only cushy seat in the house: the papasan.

If you are unfamiliar with a papasan, I will describe it for you.

It is comprised of two pieces:
  • A circular wooden base
  • A large wooden half-sphere seat
Now the half-sphere seat sits loosely on the base and for the most part moves freely, as there is no default position for it to rest. Comfortable yes, but a hazard? You be the judge.

During a commercial break, I got up to grab my sweatshirt. As I was putting it on, I plopped down (rather forcefully, in hindsight) into the papasan. And as it began to tip over, I made a horrified, prolonged glance at my friend as she watched me fall over in slow motion. I tried to stop myself from falling but my arms were restricted by my half-on sweatshirt, t-rex style.

When the seat finally came completely off the base and landed on the ground, it of course rolled back and forth several times, much to the chagrin of my other friend, who I had landed on top of. Unable to pull myself up from a combination of sweatshirt entanglement and gut-renching laughter, I rolled helplessly back and forth for a minute or two until I regained composure and had my wits about me enough to pull my sweatshirt all the way on.

And that's why I now officially distrust papasans. First they lure you into a false sense of security with their extreme comfort and large size. Next thing you know, you're falling all over yourself in slow motion with no way to stop yourself. Fucking papasan.

September 5, 2007

Moving sucks

Today I am moving for the third time this summer. Although I did this exact same thing last summer, that doesn't make it any less of a hassle or any more enjoyable. The only good thing that comes from moving is that it forces me to clean my room and to get rid of old junk that I don't need.

I'm currently waiting for my mother to come and help me move (a last minute decision, made in part by her own parental proddings) and I've been trying to "pack" my buttload of clothes into garbage bags to minimize difficulties, since everyone knows that clothes are probably the most pain in the ass thing to move. The worst part to pack is the clothes on hangers - whose idea was it to hang clothes up anyway? Stupid.

Here are some things that I've realized should've appeared by now while packing but have failed to do so yet:
  • Vibrator
  • CDs from car
  • Various items of clothing
And here are some things that have spontaneously appeared in my room, much to my excitement:
  • 1 GB flash drive
  • An extra pair of scissors (probably stolen accidentally - oops!)
  • Plenty of AA batteries
  • An exorbitant amount of cash, hidden in various places around my room
Judging by the swiftness of my last move (which was done all on my own, thank you very much) and the level of preparedness I'm at right now, I feel comfortable saying that this should be the smoothest move of them all. At least, that's the hope, right?