August 13, 2007

Oh baby

My niece Camille is nearly 8 months old now and is a perfect sweetheart. She's talkative (not really any words yet, but boy does she babble!), observant, smiley, and fucking adorable. We all love her and - seeing as she's got three sets of grandparents - she's truly brought the family together like never before.

She also pissed all over my mom the other day while she was getting her diaper changed...


We were babysitting Camille before my party this weekend so my brother and his wife could take the weekend off for fishing. My mom had twisted her ankle in a bad way and was essentially bed-ridden, so when Camille needed to have her diaper changed, I bravely and stepped up to bat. After all, I've changed baby diapers before, no big deal, yeah?

Turns out Camilla had really let 'er rip. I opened the diaper to large gobs of mushy greenish poo and I faltered. My mom though this was pretty funny and volunteered to take over for me, being the generous mother that she is. So, I helped her down from the recliner to kneel in front of the couch in a position that she could manage without hurting herself further.

As soon as mom had removed the soiled diaper, Camille started to pee. My mom frantically grabbed a diaper and held it on the... peeing area until Camille had stopped (or so we thought). Of course, she had caught my mom by surprise and didn't manage to sop up all of it, so she grabbed some wipes and started to clean it up.

Then she started peeing again. My mom reached for another diaper, but this time it was way too late. Camille got pee all up her back, soaking her one-sy, and it's all over her changing pad. Again, my mom held a diaper to Camille until way past when she has finished.

At this point it became clear that Camille needed to be washed. I started to fill the sink with water while my mom stripped Camille for a bath. As my mom stood Camille up to pull the one-sy over her head, I noticed her peeing for the third time. Unfortunately my mom did not see this until I yelled "MOM!" and pointed to the baby. By this point, a sizeable puddle had formed in the changing pad and we were both amazed by the apparent size of this kid's bladder.

Everything ended up just fine of course - we bathed her and yes, she eventually stopped peeing. It was an interesting experience and it certainly gave me a heightened appreciation for mother's everywhere and the shit that they put up with (literally, in this case).