August 24, 2007
"Stupid for you"
During the premiere of the Hills, my favorite summer song "Umbrella" was played, as well as an acoustic cover by some then-unknown artist (I was unfamiliar at least). Of course I looked up the artist, listened to her cover, and discovered a pretty cool singer/songwriter type with a lovely voice by the name of MariƩ Digby. Here's one of my favorites:
August 19, 2007
Shake it off
Then today I locked my keys in my car and I have to wait for my parents to bring me a spare key tomorrow. I love being an idiot!
It's been a rough week, and if there was ever a reason for some Mariah therapy, it's tonight...
August 17, 2007
August 13, 2007
Oh baby
She also pissed all over my mom the other day while she was getting her diaper changed...
We were babysitting Camille before my party this weekend so my brother and his wife could take the weekend off for fishing. My mom had twisted her ankle in a bad way and was essentially bed-ridden, so when Camille needed to have her diaper changed, I bravely and stepped up to bat. After all, I've changed baby diapers before, no big deal, yeah?
Turns out Camilla had really let 'er rip. I opened the diaper to large gobs of mushy greenish poo and I faltered. My mom though this was pretty funny and volunteered to take over for me, being the generous mother that she is. So, I helped her down from the recliner to kneel in front of the couch in a position that she could manage without hurting herself further.
As soon as mom had removed the soiled diaper, Camille started to pee. My mom frantically grabbed a diaper and held it on the... peeing area until Camille had stopped (or so we thought). Of course, she had caught my mom by surprise and didn't manage to sop up all of it, so she grabbed some wipes and started to clean it up.
Then she started peeing again. My mom reached for another diaper, but this time it was way too late. Camille got pee all up her back, soaking her one-sy, and it's all over her changing pad. Again, my mom held a diaper to Camille until way past when she has finished.
At this point it became clear that Camille needed to be washed. I started to fill the sink with water while my mom stripped Camille for a bath. As my mom stood Camille up to pull the one-sy over her head, I noticed her peeing for the third time. Unfortunately my mom did not see this until I yelled "MOM!" and pointed to the baby. By this point, a sizeable puddle had formed in the changing pad and we were both amazed by the apparent size of this kid's bladder.
Everything ended up just fine of course - we bathed her and yes, she eventually stopped peeing. It was an interesting experience and it certainly gave me a heightened appreciation for mother's everywhere and the shit that they put up with (literally, in this case).
August 9, 2007
The lost vibrator
Obviously, this joke only works because
- My dad and I have the kind of relationship where we can joke about things like this, and
- I actually have/had a condom stash in my room
No, this story does not end with either of my parents finding my vibrator because I've somehow lost it.
What makes this most interesting is the fact that I don't ever recall removing my vibrator from my room at any point, but I'm positive that it would've been uncovered during my most recent moves, which it obviously has not.
Anyway, this presents a problem for me in my recent single-dom, for obvious reasons. It's probably better this way anyway, that thing was a cheap piece of crap, maybe it's time for an upgrade...
August 8, 2007
S.O.L. at the D.O.L.
Basically that idea didn't work out at all. As I stepped up to take the picture and get ready to make the funniest face you've ever seen...
Then the guy asks me a question and just as I'm answering, takes the damn picture. As the picture loads on a computer screen, he has the nerve to ask me if I want to take the picture again. WTF MY MOUTH IS OPEN IN THE PICTURE, YES I WANT TO TAKE IT AGAIN.
I guess it ended up okay because when I took it again, it was a decent picture, but it wasn't funny like I wanted. I suppose I could've just kept the first one - which was technically funny - but it was too ugly-funny and not enough funny-funny, which wasn't okay with me. Oh well, I can take a funny picture in another five years I suppose.
Happy birthday!
- Boyfriend (you know the one)
- Cash
August 7, 2007
Summer movies, Pt 2
What follows is a breakdown of the new movies I've gone to see this summer, a suggested tagline, and a few sentences on how I feel about the movie...
Transformers - "Badass motherfuckery all over the place."
I ended up seeing this movie by myself through an ironic series of events. This turned out to be unfortunate for me because the whole first half of the movie I was squirming with awe and nearly called someone just to brag about how badass the movie was. I still want to go see this movie again because I loved it so much - the effects were amazing, the action was bomb, and I gotta love me some Shia. Oh, and Megan Fox was out of control hot, like, out of this world, way unnecessarily hot.
Ratatouille - "Disney, Pixar, Brad Bird = extreme genius."
I expected a lot from this film considering how much I adore The Incredibles, the other brainchild of Brad Bird and Pixar. Although it didn't live up to its predecessor, the movie was pretty damn good. Equal parts cute, charming, and funny, the movie was (of course) brilliantly animated, with so many scenes reminiscent of Bird it's not even funny. I actually did see this one twice and I'll definitely buy it when it comes out on DVD.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix - "Ministry of Magic much?"
Yes yes, lots of anticipation for this one. Mostly I'd just like to say that Neville's hair was surprisingly tolerable and the casting for Luna and Umbridge was remarkable. Can't wait for the special features on the DVD release!
Paris Je T'aime - "Je l'aime vraiment!"
Even though I saw this movie awhile ago and I had only gone to see it out of curiosity, I keep thinking about it, which to me speaks volumes. The whole thing was so artistic and moving that I've been tempted to go see this one a second time too, just because of the feeling I got from watching the movie. Probably another future DVD purchase...
Introducing the Dwights - "And you thought BRITISH boys were cute..."
This was another movie-on-a-whim that I had read about and had sounded interesting. For sure a good film but kinda depressing at the same time. Very cute Australian boy in it though.
Hairspray - "Don't take your Travolta-obsessed parents."

The Simpsons Movie - "The longest episode you'll ever see!"
Not bad. I wasn't impressed by any means, but I did have a good time and it was fairly classic Simpsons-brand humor with only a hint of that wacky, pop culture shit that most Simpsons episodes have nowadays. I did enjoy seeing some things that are normally too "adult" for TV. Would've liked to see more peripheral characters, but it was all good. I'll always love the Simpsons.
Becoming Jane - "I want to have James McAvoy's children."
You already know what I thought of this movie.
The Ten - "Waaaay out of control."
Even more so than Wet Hot American Summer, this film was beyond outrageous. Good overall and I definitely had some good laughs, but this movie was so diculous, it was ri-diculous. Sex with wooden dummys, Jesus Christ, and between convicted felons... Go see it though, seriously.
And that's all for now. This week I'll see Stardust, which I'm sure I'll have a few choice words for as well.
August 6, 2007
Happy Anniversary, Nordstrom!
Earlier in the sale I purchased a messenger bag; within two days, the strap had started to rip. Knowing Nordstrom's lax return policy, I returned the bag later that week, no questions asked, giving me another excuse to visit the sale. It's customer service like this that makes gives me a warm, fuzzy feeling inside (is that what an orgasm feels like?) when I shop at Nordstrom. Who needs alcohol when I've got retail therapy?
Even though I found the sale pretty disappointing this year, I'd like to commemorate the end of the sale with the old Nordstrom Employee Handbook; the whole thing used to be printed on 5x7 gray index cards and distributed to employees upon hire:
We're glad to have you with our Company. Our number one goal is to provide outstanding customer service. Set both your personal and professional goals high. We have great confidence in your ability to achieve them.
Nordstrom Rules: Rule #1: Use your good judgment in all situations. There will be no additional rules.
Please feel free to ask your department manager, store manager, or division general manager any question at any time.
August 4, 2007
Please mum, I want some more...
- Becoming Jane
- The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
- Wimbledon
In a very Hugh Grant-like way, James McAvoy has a sweet, endearing charm that's absolutely irresistible. Plus, who ever thought a faun could be hot?

Ewan McGregor
Where you've seen him:
- Trainspotting
- Star Wars Episodes I-III
- Moulin Rouge
- Big Fish
- The Island
I know he smokes and I know he has a big forehead-mole, but I can't help it, he's so damn adorable. He sings, dances, and he's f-ing Obi Wan, come on! Yeah, I'm pretty much in love.

Gerard Butler
Where you've seen him:
- Dracula 2000
- The Phantom of the Opera
- 300
Gerard's badass-factor is off the charts. He's been Dracula, a phantom, and King Leonidas. Granted, he wasn't exactly Mr. Thing as the phantom, but I can't resist a guy who sings, even if he is creepy, disfigured, and obsessed with a young girl...

Dougray Scott
Where you've seen him:
- Deep Impact
- Ever After
- Dark Water
I'm not going to lie, the only reason Dougray made this list was because of Ever After, one of favorite movies (which I also just recently watched). In fact, I'm not sure that I recall him in any of his other movies, but that's alright. His single performance as Prince Henry II secures his place on this list (and in my heart).
August 2, 2007
Losing things makes me a loser
And, in a wonderful twist of fate, I seem to have lost them already. Yes, that's right, I've lost the perfect sunglasses.
I've searched the only place I've been all day (work) and can only think of one other place they could possibly be. If I can't find them, I'll have to go buy another pair before I die of a broken heart. Until then, I'll just reminisce on the wonderful four days we had together...

Summer movies
The Ten
Have you ever seen Wet Hot American Summer? If not, borrow it from me and watch it, immediately. It's amazing.
Anyway, the creators of this brilliant comedic gem have made a new movie called The Ten. The movie features ten short stories, all based on the ten commandments. See for yourself:
Fortunately for you, despite the movie's limited release, it's playing in a couple places that are close by, so take advantage of that and go see this movie. It'll be awesome, lots of laughs I promise.Becoming Jane
Okay, so this recommendation is a bit self-indulgent. I haven't even decided if I think this movie actually looks like it's going to be good or not, but I generally like Anne Hathaway and boy do I enjoy watching James McAvoy.
This movie is also in limited release but is still playing at more theatres than The Ten, go figure. If you want indulge your feminine side, go see this movie.
August 1, 2007
Why I love Lilo and Stitch

I had seen this movie once before when was first released. However, I don't believe that I blubbered like an idiot through the whole thing the first time around, like I did tonight. Yes, that's right, I cried... A lot. At first I was just tearing up but by the end, I just let loose and was full on crying. Thank goodness we keep a box of tissues next to the TV.
Basically, this movie is unbelievably adorable in every possible way, but never strays into the overly saccharine IMHO, the main reason I'm not a huge fan of Monsters, Inc..
You might recall the innovative ad campaign employed by Disney prior to the release of the film, including fun trailers such as the following:
From the ridiculously feisty Lilo ("I'm sorry I bit you... and pulled your hair... and punched you in the face...") to the equally lovable Stitch ("This is my family. I found it, all on my own. Is little, and broken, but still good. Yeah, still good." - excuse my while I die a little), the film is fucking brilliant. Beautiful watercolor backgrounds, spot-on voice acting, Elvis/Hawai'ian soundtrack, it's all great.
Although I don't recall being enamored with this film after the first viewing, it will certainly be filed henceforth under "Disney favorites" in my brain. Like Tarzan, this movie left a much better taste in my mouth after the second viewing (although I have yet to cry during Tarzan).
So, I strongly encourage you to go out and watch this movie again, it's good stuff. Don't forget to grab a box of tissue.